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This is us

Our enthusiastic team is working hard on the final preparations. We are happy to introduce the individual team members to you:

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  • LinkedIn - Valeri

Valeri Ligterink

Responsible for education at MKC De Schatkaart.


“Montessori’s development and education method teaches independence – preparing children not only for school, but also for life."

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  • LinkedIn - Fedor

Fedor de Groot

Responsible for education at MKC De Schatkaart.

"Today’s children will be tomorrow’s society."

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  • LinkedIn - Simone

Simone van Lagen

Responsible for day care and out-of-school care at MKC De Schatkaart.

“Helping children to grow and develop is more successful when you do it together. That’s the power of togetherness.”


Stefanie Kuiper

Employed in education at MKC de Schatkaart.


"At our school we learn and play together, in order to get the best out of yourself and others."


Saīda El Allaoui

Active in education MKC de Schatkaart.

"At our school we help each other and we are kind to the world."

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Pim Copier

Werkzaam in onderwijs MKC de Schatkaart.


Alinda Haitsma-Krak

Works in education at MKC de Schatkaart.

"Children become stars if we let them shine."

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Koen Mulder

Works in education at MKC de Schatkaart.

"Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed."


Dan van Beers

Active in education MKC de Schatkaart.

“The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say: the children now work as if I did not exist.”

  • LinkedIn - Lisanne

Lisanne Bunink

Responsible for education at MKC De Schatkaart.

"Today’s children will be tomorrow’s society."

  • LinkedIn - Ilse

Ilse Foppen 

Responsible for developing new schools within Stichting Samen Tussen Amstel en IJ (a foundation of public schools for primary education)

“We playfully discover the world around us, learning to push the boundaries and make mistakes”


Mariska Leijnse

Responsible for education at MKC De Schatkaart.


“Montessori’s development and education method teaches independence – preparing children not only for school, but also for life."


Sharmila Arjoon

Working as an administrative employee education MKC de Schatkaart.

"At our school, a child can be themselves and develop in a safe and familiar environment."

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Werkzaam in onderwijs MKC de Schatkaart.

Participation council

The Participation Council (MR) has been set up by law to allow teachers and parents to think along and decide on matters that concern the school. The powers of the MR are laid down in regulations, the participation regulations. The size of the school determines how many members the MR has. On De Schatkaart, the MR has four members, namely two staff members and two parents. The MR members elect a chairman and secretary from among themselves. The MR meets approximately once every six weeks. All proposed decisions regarding new policy are submitted to the MR for advice. The MR has decision-making powers in some areas. In many policy components, a distinction is made between the staff section and the parent section. The management is regularly present at the MR meetings to explain policy. 


The MR was founded by teachers and parents and the regulations were adopted. According to the regulations, the MR will organize elections when members change and after a term of office. All parents can register here. MR will communicate about this through the newsletter.

MR 2023

Patrick van der Honing
Hester Kuilen (Secretary)


Saida El Allaoui (President)
Stefanie Kuiper


MR regulations


Events board

At MKC De Schatkaart we have an event council. This council supports many activities at school, literally with advice and action. The council is in contact with the teachers, MR and management. 

The parents on the council help organize and coordinate all kinds of special activities for the students such as; sporting events, the Sinterklaas party, the seasonal parties such as the spring breakfast, summer party and winter dinner. The council meets on average once every 6 weeks. Teachers are also present.
Do you want to become a member of the events council and/or participate in all kinds of activities? 

Then email

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