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All the practical information you need.

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Click on the buttons below to learn more about a particular topic. Can’t find the answer to your question? Send us an email!


Opening hours

De Schatkaart is open from Monday to Friday from 07:30-18:30 for day care and schooling.


Lunch time care

Day care

Out-of-school care


8.30 - 14.30 (5 days a week)    

12.00 - 13.00

7.30 - 18.30

7.30 - 8.30 (before school)

14.30 - 18.30 (after school)

Our location

In 2022 we kicked-off with the De Schatkaart from a temporary location. From summer 2023 we started at our new location in the heart of Centrum Eiland. 

schoolyear 2022-2023

The day care and out-of-school care services are open all year round, except on public holidays.

Autumn break


Spring half-term

Good Friday

Easter Monday

May end-of-term 

Ascension day 



October 15 to October 23, 2022

Dec 24, 2022 - Jan 8, 2023    

February 25  until March 5, 2023

Apr 7, 2023

Apr 10, 2023

April 22 - May 7, 2023

May 18 and 19, 2023

May 29, 2023

July 22 - September 3, 2023

School year 2024-2025


Teacher Training days 

The entire MKC is closed for two teacher training days a year and there is no education and no daycare. During these days there is training and exchange for the entire team of the MKC.

School year 2022- 2023

October 14, 2022

November 21, 2022 from 1:00 PM

February 24, 2023 (MKC closed)

July 18 to July 21, 2023 due to moving to the new building.

School year 2024-2025

September 2, 2024
October 14, 2024

November 18, 2024

December 5, 2024 children out 12:00

December 19, 2024 Out at 12 noon and back at school from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

January 8, 2025

January 30, 2025 (entire MKC closed)

April 17, 2025 children out for 12 hours

April 18, 2025

May 30, 2025

July 11, 2025

Links & downloads 

Various links and downloads will be available here shortly. 

MKC guide 

The MKC information guide will be available to download here shortly.  This guide is a combination of substantive and practical information about Montessori Child Center De Schatkaart. 


The prices have been set for 2022. You can read the conditions that apply to these rates in the conditions of childcare.  


Day care 0-4 years

The costs for day care are € 9.50 per hour.  


Out-of-school care 4-12 years

The costs for out-of-school care depend on the type of care: 
- including holiday care  €8.35
- excluding holiday care
- holiday care € 8.05
- Hourly rate extra care € 8.90

- Pre-school care € 8.05

Lunch time care 4-12 years old 

The costs for the lunch time care are € 2.00 each time. These costs will be collected and divided over 12 months.

Suitable education

This is where you will find contact details of our colleagues who support care and safety on De Schatkaart.  


The Appropriate Education Advisor is Margo. She can be reached by email at  


The attention officer and confidential counselor is Sophie. She can be reached by phone 06-30 75 20 76 and by email at  


MKC De Schatkaart is part of the Parent and Child Team IJburg and Zeeburgereiland. For advice or an appointment mail to or call  

020 - 555 5961. 

Request additional leave

Two application forms


  • The leave form serious circumstances is intended for the following applications: a day off due to work, a funeral, a marriage, etc. You will find more information about this in the application form.​

  • The holiday leave form is the application for extra holiday due to your profession. There are conditions attached to this. You can read these below.


Can I take my child on holiday outside the school holidays?

Children in school age are not allowed to go on holiday outside the school holidays. You can be fined if you do. If parents can’t leave during the school holidays due to work, it’s possible to request permission to go on holiday outside the school holidays.


Free outside school holidays
Sometimes work prevents you from going on holiday with your family during any school holidays during the school year. This must be due to the specific nature of your profession.

For example:

  • It concerns seasonal work, for example in agricultural sector or catering industry.

  • The work has to deal with peak pressure during school holidays.

  • As an entrepreneur, you miss a large part of your income if you are away during the school holidays.


In that case, you can request permission to leave outside the school holidays. This is called 'appeal for exemption'.


Proof that you can’t go on holiday during the school holidays:

  • As an entrepreneur: you must be able to demonstrate that you miss a large part of your income if you go on holiday during school holidays. This is also referred to as an 'insurmountable commercial risk'.

  • As an employee: if you do seasonal work, you can for example submit a statement from your employer.


Conditions for holidays outside school holidays

Your child is only allowed to go on holiday if:

  • this is not in the first 2 weeks after the summer holidays.

  • you can’t go on holiday during school holidays because of your work.

  • you have not yet been on holiday outside the school holidays this school year.

  • you can’t go on holiday with your family for 2 weeks in a row.


More information about compulsory education

Vrij buiten de schoolvakanties
Soms kun je door werk tijdens geen enkele schoolvakantie in het schooljaar met je gezin op vakantie. Dit moet dan komen door de specifieke aard van je beroep.

Bijvoorbeeld omdat:


  • Het om seizoensgebonden werk gaat, bijvoorbeeld in de fruitteelt of horeca;

  • Het werk met piekdrukte te maken krijgt tijdens schoolvakanties;

  • Je als zelfstandige een groot deel van je inkomen mist als je tijdens de schoolvakanties weg bent.


In dat geval kun je toestemming vragen voor verlof buiten de schoolvakanties. Dit heet ‘beroep op vrijstelling’.


Bewijzen dat je niet tijdens schoolvakantie op vakantie kunt:

  • Als ondernemer moet je kunnen aantonen  dat je een groot deel van je inkomsten mist als je tijdens schoolvakanties op vakantie gaat. Dit heet ook wel een ‘onoverkomelijk bedrijfseconomisch risico’.

  • Als werknemer kun je, als je seizoenswerk doet, bijvoorbeeld een verklaring van de werkgever overleggen.


Voorwaarden vakantie buiten de schoolvakanties

Je kind krijgt alleen vrij om op vakantie te gaan als:

  • Dit niet in de eerste 2 weken na de zomervakantie is.

  • Je door je werk niet op vakantie kunt tijdens schoolvakanties.

  • Je dit schooljaar nog niet buiten de schoolvakanties op vakantie bent geweest.

  • Je niet 2 weken achter elkaar op vakantie kunt met je gezin.


At MKC De Schatkaart, children have a one-hour break (TSO) from 12:00 to 13:00. The break is supervised by the lunchtime care organization (TSO) Brood en Spelen. You can read more about Brood en Spelen's approach here.


If you would like your child to use the TSO, please register via the Brood en Spelen website.


At MKC De Schatkaart, we have an internal BSO and work with two external organizations that pick up children from our school.


  • Internal BSO: Humankind 
    Site manager: Simone van Lagen

  • External BSO: UniKidz Neptunus
    Location: Piet Zwarthof 2

  • External BSO: Kidsart
    Location: Diemerparklaan 65

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